• Homemade

    long-lasting foods

    It’s summer and local markets and your garden are overflowing with fruit and vegetables. When you come home from the market you put your fruit and veggies straight into the fridge or freezer but have you ever thought of other…

  • Animals

    Dori Poule

    This is our Dori. Dori is 13 years old and besides being a loved family member she is the keeper of our garden. She watches the salad and tomatos grow and lives a happy catlife We call her „poule“ which…

  • Garden

    Mega tomato

    This is our mega tomato. We didn’t grow it attentionally, it was a lost seed in our wintergarden that grew into huge… tree It is even taller than Mat! It has grown its first fruit !!! Yeay!!! Because the plant…

  • Homemade


    KOMBUCHA!!! The magical drink During the years we lived in Australia and New Zealand we discovered kombucha for us. Anca started making our own kombucha with the help of a starter kit from jet ferros kombucha. Kombucha is not only…

  • Garden


    Anca planted some strawberries in our garden but the harvest was rather meager. This year the strawberry plants are three times the size of last year and also the fruits are much bigger in comparison to last year when Anca…

  • DIY


    Two years ago Mat started making his own soap. He uses Anca’s good old thermomix to mix all ingredients Soap is used largely in our houshold so Mat makes soap for cleaning dishes, soap for our laundry and of course…

  • DIY

    Solar oven

    When the weather is nice and sunny, Mat  uses his solarfor cooking. This oven doesn’t need electricity and uses only sunrays to heat a dish inside. Temperatures can rise up 130°. Mat built this oven out of Ancas old IKEA…