When you are young and don’t have money, the easiest way to do things or to get things is to make them yourself.
This is also true when you are older. Why buy everything and pay for something that is not a 100% convinient for you?
We don’t do DIY because of a lack of money but also because it became a hobby.
When we lived in Australia and New Zealand we were often confronted to help ourselves by crafting and making things on our own. Many farmers in these countries rely on their own abilites because they live too far away from the next town, they simply can’t call a plumber, a craftsman or whoever they need in case something brakes.
In Australia and New Zealand, but also in France we went through different woofing-experience where we got the opportunity to help people and acquire new skills. In 2018 for exemple we helped someone in the Perigord region to renovate a whole house.
Mat had the opportunity to take part in a two week training where he learned how to build a house out of straw, clay and wood, which was quite an inspiring time for him. One day we would love to build such a house on our own property.
We like making, crafting and creating something with our own hands, especially when it is something we regularily can use afterwards, like our solar oven, our solar dryer or our raised flower beds.
There are many different ways of how to acquire knowledge and to learn how certain things are done. Sometimes you find even better ways for yourself just by trying ideas or things yourself.
We very much like to share everything we have learned on our journey and are happy to share our experience with others. If we can help or give a piece of advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.