Food tastes so much better when you make it yourself and it tastes even better when you can use produce from your own garden or coming from your own region.
In our garden we grow herbs and other plants that we can use for food, but on our tiny little space we can’t grow everything, so we also get fruit and vegetables from the local market and we buy our meat from friends who raise their own cows and chickens. We try to buy and use seasonal products and find that this consumer behavior has a great impact on the food we find in our plates.
We rarely go to the supermarket and we avoid buying processed food. That implies that we have to make many things ourselves.
Many would say „But I don’t have the time!“
And our first reaction when we started to live our new lifestyle was exactly the same excuse. You can’t change your habits from one day to the next, you have to go slowly and make conscious decisions.
We started with baking our own bread and making our own jam. Jam was pretty easy, you just do it once a year and make a large quantity and you have jam for a whole year.
Baking your own bread was a bigger challenge, especially for the frenchy in our couple. But Mat found a very easy recipe where he only uses water, flour and salt and then adds seeds and other ingredients to make it tasty and savoury.
Little by little you start to replace your buying habits by „homemade habits“ and soon you can’t go back because you can’t go back to the very sugary, salty and almost tasteless food from the supermarket.
There is a whole list of things we do ourselves today like:
- Jam
- Bread
- Herbal tea
- Baby mash/baby food
- Beer
- Cheese
- Kombucha
- Cakes and biscuits
- Dried meat
- Lactofermentation
- Canned food
- Tabasco and other sauces
- Smoking salmon and duck breasts
- French fries/Chips
- mustard
- pickels
- …
And we still try new things just as we go. It has become a never ending process for us and we enjoy discovering new flavours and new ways to preserve our food.