Who are M&A?
Behind „M&A“ hide Mat & Anca.
We are a French-German couple and parents of a lovely little boy, Max.
We met in 2007 in Paris and to be more precise at the Buzz Lightyear Laserblast in Disneyland.
Ever since, we have tried to find ways to live harmoniously with nature and our environment.
Today we want to go back to the basic things in life.
At first we started with going to the local market in our village on a weekly basis istead of buying our food in the supermarket. We also went to the farms in our area to buy local produce and statet making things ourselves.
Both of us love travelling and after almost three inspiring years in Australia and New Zealand, we came home with plenty new ideas!
Today we live on the coast of northern Germany aiming to be as autonomous and resilient as possible and learning the old “savoir-faire”- Making the five pillars of resilience and common values the bedrock of our project.
Everybody has to start with small steps: That means for us processing foods like our grand-parents did in order to preserve our food, getting energy from solar panels to charge our phones and e-bikes and cultivating a vegetable garden. It doesn’t stop here.
We want to change for the better, help to preserve our environment wherever we can and go back to the basic way of life. But can we change the world? Maybe not… maybe that is too ambitious a thought. But we can tell and show others what we have learned and share our knowledge in order to present alternatives that might work for you as well 😉